Telenor brand portal
Identity heo image

The Telenor brand experience

We make the Telenor brand come alive through using language, design and sound in a consistent way that reflect what we stand for. Together, these elements create a cohesive and recognizable look that communicates Telenor's brand values, personality, and promise to the audience, helping to establish trust and loyalty.

Welcome to Telenor's visual identity and design guidelines

Here we outline the elements that make our brand unique and recognizable. It’s important for all touchpoints to feel distinctly Telenor, so we’ve set some rules to ensure everything you create is on brand. Use these pages for guidance – but, most importantly, use it for inspiration.

Our fixed and flexible assets

Our visual identity is our creative toolbox. It consists of several elements. Some of the elements are at the core of the Telenor brand. Their main task is to build recognition, and they are shared across all business units. We call these fixed assets.

symbol - no wordmark
Primary colors - square
Telenor evolution - square
  • 1Logo
  • 2Primary colors
  • 3Our typography

Other elements can be adapted to fit to local market needs or specific target groups. We call these flexible assets.

Flexible assets
© 2025 Telenor Group