Telenor brand portal
Primary colors - square

The Telenor colours

Our blue colours are a key ingredient for establishing brand recognition. They act as the primary signifier of a Telenor brand message.

We should always prioritize the blues to create something that stands out and keeps on building on the Telenor equity.

Colour hierarchy

When creating any communications for Telenor it is important to remember we always lead with our core blues and from this our primary blue is always the hero.

Our secondary colours are only used in CTA's or in photography, they should never occupy more than 10% of any communication.

Color hierarchy

Core colour-palette

Dark Blue

HEX #070452 RGB 7, 4, 82 CMYK 100,100,35,58 Pantone 2766 C

Mid Blue

HEX #1C16C5 RGB 28, 22, 197 CMYK 97, 83, 0, 0 Pantone 2728 C

Telenor Blue

HEX #00C8FF RGB 0, 200, 255 CMYK 100, 0, 0, 0 Pantone Process Cyan
Telenor Blue

Light Blue

HEX #B4FFFF RGB 180, 255. 255 CMYK 38, 0, 14, 0 Pantone 317 C
Light blue tile.png

Off White

HEX #E8FDFF RGB 232, 253, 255 CMYK 10, 0, 2, 0 Pantone 656 C
Soft Blue


HEX #FFF RGB 255, 255, 255 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0 Pantone -

Supporting color-palette

Our supporting colors are important ingredients in creating moments of contrast against our core blues.

Our secondary colors have two main functions:

  1. In CTA’s to create cut through in messaging and should always be used in conjunction with our blue palette.
  2. Within our art direction, again only when seen with our core blue palette.

Our supporting colors should never be seen in isolation.



HEX #FF5A28 RGB 255, 90, 40 PANTONE 165 C CMYK C0, M84, Y94


HEX #FAED3C RGB 250, 237, 60 PANTONE 102 C CMYK C3 M0 Y97 K0

Hot Pink

HEX #FF4173 RGB 255, 65, 115 PANTONE 191 C CMYC C0 M93 Y26
Hot Pink.png



HEX #A5CDB9 RGB 165, 205, 185 PANTONE 565 C CMYK C38 M0 Y28


HEX #E8DED3 RGB 232, 222, 211 PANTONE 9226 C CMYK C8 M12 Y16 K0


HEX #E4A99B RGB 228, 169, 155 PANTONE 2438 CMYC C0 M40 Y36 K0

Colour hierarchy

When creating any communications for Telenor it is important to remember we always lead with our core blues and from this our primary blue is always the hero.

Our secondary colours are only used in CTA's or in photography, they should never occupy more than 10% of any communication.

Color hierarchy

Combinations & usage

We keep our use of colour consistent across all of our comms. Here are our recommended colour combinations.

  1. First row shows our core colour combinations.
  2. These are our secondary colour combinations which are also allowed to add some variation.(Red cirlcle) Not suitable for print.
Color combo

Supporting colours

We keep our use of colour consistent across all of our comms. Here are our recommended colour combinations with supporting colours.

To use on CTAs, price tags or anything that needs to be highlighted.
(Red Circle) Not suitable for print.

Color combo 2

Colours in use

Colors in use
© 2025 Telenor Group