Telenor brand portal
3D hero

3D products

This is our library of 3D products. We developed a specific material and applied our core colours to create something that looks and feels distinctly Telenor. This library represents our products and offerings. It gives us a selection of products to pick from to strengthen our communications.

Material and colours

Our 3D products are made of a white and pearlised material that reflects our core colours. We use coloured light projections on the products, and can project a maximum of two core colours together. The example shows the colour combo of Light blue and Telenor blue.

3D product material

Our 3D products are made of a white and pearlised material that reflects our core colours. When our secondary colours are used in our art direction these can be reflected into our products. This example shows how we can also integrate our secondary colours. When paired with imagery that uses a secondary colour element our 3D products pick up that colour. The projection of the colour comes from the same side as the image, fading out the further we are from the image.

Material and colours

Showcase content

We can also use our 3D products as a way to show content and art direction to reinforce the relationship between product and connection.

Showcase content

3D products placement

Our 3D products behave as a disruptive element in the layouts.

1. When used in our connected panels, the 3D products can overlap the panels, bringing both sides together.

2. When used with messaging to clarify the context of the communication, the 3D products can overlap on top of the type to add depth to the layout.

3. When used in social media, we can apply multiple 3D objects to create a more playful feel.

3D products placement

For further guidance with type go to Typography.

3D product examples 2
3D product examples 1

Seasonal 3D objects

During festive seasons we may extend our range of 3D products to include seasonal objects.

Seasonal 3D objects


As with our 3D products, when our secondary colours are used in our art direction these can be reflected on to our seasonal 3D objects.

Seasonal 3D objects colors


Seasonal 3D objects can be applied to layouts in a more playful way. They can sit on top of the following content:

1. Connected panels
2. Block colour backgrounds
3. Full bleed imagery*

* As long as the 3D object does not obstruct the legibility or comprehension of the image or cover up a key focal point. Landscapes and abstract

3D seasonal layouts
Seasonal examples 1

Third party products & mascots

We can use third party products to illustrate communications that refer to deals or offers regarding specific products. When implementing third party products we should always adhere to their guidelines. BU mascots and campaign assets such as Denmark's ‘Bedste’ can also be used within our layout system. Refer to page 101 for guidance on placement.

Third party 3D figures
Third party examples
© 2025 Telenor Group