Telenor brand portal
Stock photo - Telenor expansive secondary style



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Our images are people-focused and in celebration of connection. They highlight what matters most, whether that is family, products, adventures or experiences.

We use photography to further enhance our brand by introducing a natural blue or secondary colour into our images.
Note: If using a secondary colour, it must be supported by a blue panel.

We have 2 image principles: intimate and expansive, which we'll explain in detail over the following pages.

Primary style – Intimate

Our images are candid and natural. We focus on true and authentic emotions. We can bring in our brand colours through our imagery.

Here you can see examples of intimate style:
1. A natural blue within the image.
2. A secondary colour element within the image (this treatment must be supported by a blue panel to maintain blue as the hero).

Primary image style - intimate

How to create our intimate style

When sourcing imagery you may need to edit the image to create our intimate style. There are three key steps to follow.
1: Choose an image that corresponds to our photography principles.
2: Crop into the image to maximise the sense of connection.
3: Alter colour to reflect one of the core or secondary colours in an authentic way.

Image crop

Secondary style – Expansive People specific

Our images are candid and natural. We focus on true and authentic emotions.
We can bring in our brand colours through our imagery.

Here you can see examples of:
1. A natural blue within the image.
2. A secondary colour element within the image (this treatment must be supported by a blue panel to maintain blue as the hero).

Secondary image style - expansive People specific

Our expansive style is shown by introducing more negative space into the image with crops that are wider to project a sense of space. Angles here can be more exaggerated, but never false or forced. We don’t use wide angled lenses or excessive depth of field.
Lighting is soft and diffused. We still avoid clutter or distracting elements so the focus of the image is clear.
Consider using an 50MM/85MM lens.

Secondary style – Expansive landscapes

When we hero landscapes, people should be a secondary element.
Our images are natural and unaffected. We focus on authentic landscapes.
We can bring in our brand colours through our imagery.

Here you can see examples of:
1. A natural blue within the image.
2. A secondary colour element within the image (this treatment must be supported by a blue panel to maintain blue as the hero).

Secondary image style - expansive landscapes

Products in imagery

Sometimes you need to portray products.
When capturing products in photography, both our intimate and expansive styles can be applied. We can bring in our brand colours through our imagery. Here you can see examples of:

1. A natural blue within the image.
2. A secondary colour element within the image (this treatment must be supported by a blue panel to maintain blue as the hero).

Imagery - Product images

Studio shooting specs

Lighting should be diffused, not directional and harsh, to create soft and flattering shadows. Use a drop that is from our blue palette. Do not create this in Photoshop. We want it to feel natural and integrated within the scene.

We recommend using a basic 3 point lighting set up (back, key and fill lighting) to achieve a flattering light.

Studio shootings

Stock brand images

Below are collections of licensed stock images that are sorted in different styles. These images can only be used by Telenor companies and their marketing vendors.

© 2025 Telenor Group